Some Call Me Stubborn

I would really like all my friends and followers who have an interest in business to read this.

My fascination with an internet career came about a couple of years after my retirement. You know how it is. No one actually needs you anymore. (Unless you have grandchildren).

You have had the big retirement trip and spent a good deal of cash so likely you need to re – assess your financial situation. Let’s face it, no government pension will keep you afloat.

You have plenty of spare time so what to do next?

Those of you who know me, understand that I belong to those people who ‘love the process’.  You know – you love learning, you love starting something new, you love the discovery.

So – I latched on to the internet. We were moving across to the other side of the world to live so that was good too. I could take my ‘job’ with me.

I answered an ad on Facebook. It was the kind of ad that today would get your Facebook Ads Account shut down. In my innocence I spent a couple of thousand dollars to buy training and a web-site.

Big mistake.

I started a blog. I figured this would be a great way to make some money. Write, add a few ads and Bingo! Income. I bought some ‘coaching.’

No – not a good move, but I collected a new blog.

I studied SEO, attended webinars and bought lots of ‘shiny objects’ that all had the same name – you know it. The #1 Secret to Everlasting Online Success’ –  The Last Thing You Will Ever Need to Buy’. Hardly made a dime.

I affiliated with a major company that offered personal coaching. Spent a heap more money.


I opened a store – worked my butt off. Sales were few and far between. Closed it!

Now the money I was spending to sustain my efforts began to hurt.


Why was I not succeeding even though I was loving every minute of my day?

I gave the problem a lot of thought and read a lot of books


After retiring I sort of faded.

I just lost my mojo.

Do you know how it is when you lose confidence in yourself?

You lose faith in your decisions, in all sorts of things in your daily life.

I was even having panic attacks at the idea of driving a car in my new home country.

So, in my business I developed the ‘procrastination habit’ and turned it into a fine art!

I realised just how dependent I had become. Waiting for permission to take any action. Looking for validation all the time and just stupidly scared to make a move on my own.

But, I loved what I was doing and I kept doing courses, writing and working hard.

And I kept hearing that around 93% of internet marketers failed.

You may understand what I mean – those days when you are ready to give up in despair, letting everything you have worked for go to waste, including your financial investment.

At this stage, the main thing in my favour was a habit that was even mentioned in my old school magazine 60 years ago.


You see – I knew it could be done.

I saw people not too different to me succeeding in their journey. Not necessarily making huge amounts of money but working towards a goal which they had set and which was well within their grasp. Why couldn’t I ‘crack it’ too?

They were living their dream, they were experiencing success. And that is just what I was determined to do.


Well. That is how it was yesterday.

Today, I have a different story.

Today, I now have proper mentors and after spending time with them, I am reclaiming my independence and my common sense.

My ‘enlightenment’ has come from two directions.


The first steps were taken with two exceptionally talented marketers on Facebook who run a exceptional training program on Facebook marketing.

I would love you to experience their coaching techniques. Not only are they Facebook experts, they really understand the science of teaching – something that is rare in the IM world.

They have brought me purpose and clarity with a resultant sense of confidence.


Then, I was fortunate enough to discover (interestingly for the second time) a truly inspiring course which teaches ‘Entrepreneurship’.

You are taken by the hand and shown what is needed to build an online business to any size. Your mentor guides you through every step – basic to advanced levels of strategic marketing and traffic generation, a special blogging program, daily exercises in motivation, personal-growth and the development of a success mind-set, to name but a few.

And that is just in the first Challenge. Yes – that is what it is called – The Challenge.

No fuss, no bother, just solid daily training that can be applied to whatever business you already own or wish to become involved in.

This seemed to be the answer to my dilemma.

  • My learning could be used to achieve success in my original business where the coaching was less than satisfactory.
  • The emphasis on personal growth, I figured, would help me to take charge and be ME, which we all should strive to be.

And truly, you would not believe how quickly everything started happening, how everything began to fall into place as this dual mentor-ship began to take effect.


Now you might believe that these two finds, coming so close together, may seem like coincidence.

If you believe in coincidence!

Whatever, I am making the most of this opportunity and at just over a month down the track, I am actually beginning to ‘join those dots’ at last.

It is absolutely tremendous.

I have regained my independence, I am doing MY thing, my mojo is looking good and my persistent faith in the potential of the internet for anyone who is determined to make it work, has been re-ignited.


All the things people say about needing First Class Mentors is absolutely true. Fortuitously mine are also good teachers which is rare in our world.

I have never met most of you, but I am telling you my (rather long) story because I became very close to quitting my whole business and I wanted to let you know that if you are in that position, there is always hope.

Seriously, I am not trying to sell anything here, however, if you could use someone to guide you through what needs to be done, with no fuss or complication, why not check it out  –  experience ‘The Challenge’ for yourself?

The Four Percent Challenge

My message to you, from personal experience is – you can do this. Please consider giving it one more try.

Don’t give up! Just DON’T GIVE UP!



PS.  If you are interested in checking out my Facebook connection, just give me a shout.

I would be more than happy to add you to our FREE Facebook group so you can experience life and learning in our dynamic community. Just Message me or connect on my Page or my Group

I promise you will love it and it really works.