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Lead Magnets…

lead magnet

Lead Magnets – Trip-Wires.   How do they differ? When generating leads and trying to make sales, it is important to have some tactic that will snatch and hold the attention of the person we are trying to influence. Away from the ‘real’ world, we have no physical presence, or power of voice to persuade directly, so in the virtual world, […]

Success All Black Style

Success All Black Style

Last night, our group found ourselves brain-storming the main habits, or skills we each considered vital to achieving success. We set out to include any field of endeavour, but then we moved into our business of Internet Marketing. There were a fair number of offerings – focus, goal-setting, basic understanding of fundamentals,  consistency, leadership, respect, […]

Marketing Success…

What Makes a Successful Internet Marketer? Internet marketers, successful marketers who are multi-millionaires are an increasingly common sight on our screens – at least to those of us who aspire to a career in internet marketing.  This is especially true if one’s chosen field is affiliate marketing, with connections to one of the large networks […]

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